
Marzi & Remy 990/1428 - Forget-me-nots with Saying

Marzi & Remy - mold 990

From the collection of Randy Satterfield

No mold number on base but this is a mold 990. Hand written in black ink on the base is 1428. It is listed as mold 1428 in TBSL, but this is a common error here. These black ink, hand written, four or five digit numbers on the base of Marzi and Remys are decoration numbers. You also see them from time to time on some various subjects steins by Merkebach and Wick and Reinhold Hanke. See also [link]

"ergissmeinnicht heist diese Blum,
den Durst kriegt man mit Bier herum."
(Forget-me-nots these flowers are called, (TBSL)

View the collection of Randy Satterfield

type stein materialstoneware
producer Marzi & Remy
producer info
designer/decorator decor 1428
capacityhalf liter   
design date   
height 16.3 cm (appx. 6.3 inches.)   

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