
Germans and Romans

Roßkopf & Gerz - mold 445

From the collection of Andrew Ives

Relief, full color, recessed base.
Open 5 ring hinge c.1895-
Cap. mark and handle not listed on TBSL.
Rosskopf & Gerz founded 1901/closed 1917

The central image was taken from an illustration by Heinrich Schlitt (1849-1923), part of an 1890 mural that once graced the Wiesbaden Ratskellar, but was sadly destroyed in WWII. - TBSL

"Italy's wine so sweet and fine broke the Romans brittle bones.
However, beer and radish juice forever maintains young German strength."

View the collection of Andrew Ives

type stein materialstoneware
producer Roßkopf & Gerz
producer info
design datec.1901-1917   

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