
Jugendstil stein with stag

Modell Nr. 1587

Aus die Sammlung von Steinzeugwerke

image from original Steinzeugwerke catalog

A stein, produced by a not yet identified producer.

This stein has a capacity of 1/2L.

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Form Krug MaterialSteinzeug
Hersteller Modell1587

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Dieses Artikel ist 684 mal gesehen


Kommentar gegeben von David Olson am 2023-01-30 (20:12 hrs)
I believe this is a stag and not a rabbit. I will post pictures of my stein, but the antlers are hard to see in this picture.
Kommentar gegeben von Steinzeugwerke am 2023-01-30 (20:28 hrs)
David, you are probably right. Thank you for the message. I updated the info. Paul

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