
Scene at a well 1L

Hauber & Reuther - Modell Nr. 456

Aus die Sammlung von Mike Finn

Hauber & Reuther lost their clay supply for stoneware in 1886. So, they started making steins out of porcelain. But in 1888 they contacted Merkelbach & Wick to make ivory stoneware steins for them. It's thought they bought stein bodies only and painted or repainted parts of the stein and refired them. Then added lids and sold them as H&R products. The HR logo on the base is close to a real HR logo but different and unique to M&W made steins. The capacity mark is a common M&W 1L capacity mark. The stein body is about 8-1/2" tall and 12-1/2" to the top of the finial. Scene at a well #456 was made in 1/2L and 1L sizes, the 1/4L size has a #502 mold number. Merkelbach & Wick also marketed this same stein as #2158.

"Am Brunnen vor den Thore da steht ein Lindenbaum. Ich trumt in seinem Schatten so manchen sen Traum."
(At the well beside the gate there stands a linden tree. I've dreamt in its shadow so many a sweet dream.)

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Form Krug MaterialSteinzeug
Hersteller Hauber & Reuther
Hersteller info
Höhe 21.6 cm (appx. 8.4 inches.)   

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