There's a numbering anomaly on this stein. The base has an incised 1518, on the stein body just ouside the handle is an incised 5058. That should indicate the mold number and it should match the number on the base. But the correcect mold number is 1518. M&R 5058 is a very different stein.
“Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rat, dass man vom liebsten das man hat muss scheiden.”
(It is surely in God’s will that one has to part from what one loves the most.) (TBSL)
Zeig alles von Randy Satterfield
Form | Krug | Material | Steinzeug |
Hersteller |
Marzi & Remy Hersteller info | Modell | 1518 |
Designer/Dekorateur | |||
Kapazität | (1.5 liters) | ||
Entwurfdatum | |||
Höhe | 31.0 cm (appx. 12.1 inches.) |
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